Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 20th

I remember when I had been at Methodist Rehab for six weeks, I was supposed to be released the next day. A friend of mine came to visit and made the remark, I see they’re releasing you tomorrow. Without thinking, I said, No, the Lord says two more weeks. He at first was taken off guard but, then he said, I agree; two more weeks.

In Psalm 3, David is praying very heavily, his son wants to kill him. His Enemies are all about there seems no way out but, the Lord delivers David. I needed a couple more weeks of therapy, there seemed no way out. The bureaucracy all around me, God made a way

You might be in a situation today, if you listen to God and believe, He will be your shield. Stand your ground and believe that God will deliver you.

Lord help our unbelief and help us to stand and see you with our spiritual eyes, You are our shield.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Rick. I needed to hear this tonight. The LORD IS my Deliverer.
