Sunday, February 27, 2011

I’m mad, I want to share my views and hope you comment; good or bad.

If you do not know it, there are minimal security facilities going up across America..

We have been told they are for illegal immigrants

My beef on this issue is the cost per inmate, per year. My biggest grip is who’s going to pay for it and what are we going to do when Pres. Obama set’s them free?

I don’t have the exact figures but, I was told it breaks down to $20,000 an inmate. He gets free dental, free room and board and free medical.

The cheapest thing to do is send them back to wherever they come from and let the authorities there handle them.

I worked all my life and now, I sit in a wheelchair and my youngest daughter goes without health insurance because we can’t afford it. While these non-Americans who are criminals get it free!

What really robs me the wrong way, they should not be here in the first place. Jobs in America are getting scarce and we allow criminals to take them.

When are we gonna wake up?

Let’s do like Australia, before they come to this country, they must have a job first.

Lord help the U. S. A.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amen!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Feb. 15th is my birthday, my wife has already given me my present. It is a Nook reading electronic device from Barns and Nobles book distributors.

With Nook, I can enlarge the print size to where I can more easily read it. It’s about the size of a book page and less than an inch thick. I look like someone from Star Trek when I am reading it.

Who’d a thunk it, 30 years ago? Technology is so fascinating, it’s not something to be scared of, but something to be embraced.

If it were not for technology, I would have to struggle with a book and a magnifying glass.

Some Christians shun technological breakthroughs, but I say what a marvelous creature God has made.

I can put the Bible on my new toy and that means a lot to me, to be able to read His word!

Never take His Word for granted, because one day, you might need a device like mine. Amen!

Today was our 31st anniversary and it was great!

I have a question for those who are married, what keeps some people together; while others do not? I believe it’s called a lack of commitment.

You can call it what you may but, bottom line that’s what it is.

My Mom and Dad lasted 25 years. The reason they got divorced, alchohol. My grandparents over 40 years, before my grandpa died.

I have gone back in my high school annual and counted plenty who have been married twice.

I know this is going to sound hard but, the only biblical reason for divorce is marital unfaithfulness.

Today we get a divorce for verbal abuse or irreconcilable differences. The church needs to wake up, divorce in the church is the same as in the secular world.

Pastors tip toe around the issue because they are afraid od hurting someone;s feelings. Who do we want to please, man or God!!

What we need to do is teach our kids by example, commitment.

Our churches need to teach the biblical reason for divorce and accept no other reason. It’s a hard thing but, it’s the right thing.

In our marriage vows it said, for better or worse; my wife is the embodiment of that vow.

Over five years now, my wife has shown remarkable love. Love that goes beyond the natural. Most women would have walked away, that’s commitment.

Life is not always fair but, staying your ground shows what’s inside.

Lord, help us persevere in all areas of our lives. Amen!!