Thursday, April 29, 2010

The joy of the Lord is my strength, how do you maintain that joy?

Laying in ICU, all I could move were my eyes. I could hear all that was being said, I knew I was in bad shape. I also knew, I was going to live!

I was in ICU for 2 weeks, how did I tolerate not speaking?

I listened to my godly nurse, as she talked about His ability to heal and I quoted scriptures to myself. I had memorized a few in my past.

The Word consoled me and brought me peace and when bad thoughts came; I quoted the word.

I am no different then you, if you are a Christian you too can overcome adversity and temptations. When Jesus was confronted by Satan, He quoted Old Testament scriptures why? Because the Word is our life and sword.

To know his joy, we must know His Word, His word brings us His joy!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I have a problem, maybe you can help me?

Pastors I know, preach things that have no bearing on our lives or our salvation. What has happened to the men of God who preached the whole message of God? What has happened to the sacred altar call?

I’m not bunching all pastors into one bunch, I know there are plenty who preach His
Word undefiled.

The problem I see, is we have so many men who have chosen a profession and not a lifestyle!

Congregations believe they own the church and they run it, truth be known; God died for the church!
Pastors are afraid to speak out on DIVORCE, HOMOSEXUALITY and TRUE DATING!

We have become tolerant to divorce -- over 50% in the church, pornography -- over 50 % of Protestant pastors are hooked, Some denominations allow homosexuals to serve as pastors, they need to read Roman Chapter 1

Lord, Give us the intestinal fortitude of Saints past, to carry on your precious gospel; undefiled! Amen!!!!!


Monday, April 26, 2010

Once, my girls were jumping on the bed. Our oldest put her foot in the wall and left a huge hole. They put a poster over it and hid it from us.

That night, our Emily came in crying and confessing. She could not stand the guilt.

We are similar with God, we know we have done wrong so we put a poster over it.

Or we are like Emily, we cannot stand the guilt, so we confess.

In our lives we sin, there’s no denying it. The thing boils down to this, do we really want to confess. The fear of punishment is a factor but, in the end; love wins out.

Emily was afraid of getting a spanking but,her love for her parents made her come and confess.

When a person sins, they do one of two things; run to or run away.

Lord when we do wrong, let the love placed in our hearts, turn us to you. If for whatever reason we run, please draw us back. Amen!!!


Sunday, April 25, 2010

My soul yearns for You, I am lifeless without Your presence. I face so many foes but I know you are mighty in battle!

I am in a different kind of mood today, one that is reflective.

When I get into a depressed state, I am reminded of all the things God has done for me. I try and focus on all the positive and none on the negative.

Today, I want to share a funny story. It happened as our youth group was visiting a church up North Mississippi

A close friend and I were looking around. The place in the church we were looking was dark.

As we groped in the dark, all of a sudden, I heard him fall and hit a foreign object. He had fell into the baptistery. Talk about laughing, I laughed so hard I cried. He was okay thank God, the only thing hurt was his pride.

Needless to say, we never strayed in the dark agan

That’s the way people in the natural are, they grope in the dark and if they’re not careful they will fall in a hole, like my friend

Lord open our eyes to see the pit falls around us and help those who are lost to find their way! Amen!!!!!!!!


Saturday, April 24, 2010

I am speaking for my self, when I say, one thing that really bothers me is lack of vision.

When I was a pastor, I was involved in lives and life, being at home leaves me at a place of lack of vision.

I must push on and find the place He wants me.

You too must push on and find your place, we all belong and we all have something to contribute

I am finding my new position in my family and I believe I’m finding it through this blog. I challenge you to seek God and find the place He wants you. It has taken me almost 5 years to find mine!

The road my be long and frustrating but, don’t’ give up, push on and you will someday find yours.

Lord, lead us to the place you want us to be ang fill our hearts with YOUR VISION. Make our roads smoother, not so rocky! Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22nd

When I was in hospital having therapy, I had a full day schedule. How I can remember those exhausting days.

I would daydream about walking again, then I would come back to reality I still do and it’s been five years.

After a hard day of therapy, my routine would be to turn my CD player on and pray. I remember those days and can testify . . . Jesus was in the room.

He had to be, or else I couldn’t go on. It was His strength carrying me. Even now, His presence is so special to me. I cannot sense it all the time but when I do; it’s so sweet to me.

If He had not been so close to me during this time, I could not have had the will to go on. He can carry you, if you have reached a place of total exhaustion. You must come to a place where human understanding ceases to exist, You no longer walk in the natural, He carries you in the supernatural.

In the process, you realize that no longer do you care about you needs; no Matter what they are, you care about His will on this earth.

Lord, help us come to that place, all the time. Your agenda, not ours, it’s Yours oh Lord! Amen!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21

I remember when I was 14, just before I got saved. We were living in another town, right beside the 24 hour gas station we owned. I can’t remember the reason why I got mad at my parents but, I’m sure it was alcohol related. Anyway, I decided I was going to run away. I was tired of all the junk we children had to put up with. I mean, arguments among two drunks, late Friday nights and never knowing if our parents were actually coming home or landed in jail.

As I write this, emotions from the past flood my soul. I thought the reason my parents were the way they were was because of me. I know now it was them, choices they made, it had nothing to do with me or my siblings, But, then I did not know that.

Before I go on with this story, let me tell you about my loving German Shepherd, Suzie. She and I were always together. I got her when she was only a pup.

My Mom was at work and my Dad was at the station. So I packed a small bag and took off. I had gone about a 2/3 of a mile and I turned around. There was my Suzie wagging her tail. I threw things at her, hollered at her, and even kicked her but, she would not leave.

I knew no one would pick up a little boy and a dog, finally I started back home. Instead going to our trailer, I slipped without being seen to the backroom of the station. It had a upstairs and that’s where I bedded down. When I woke up, it was 8 p.m.

My parents had called all my friends and finally the police. They swept the city but, no luck, because I was in hiding When I walked in front of the station, my brother grabbed me and slapped me at the same time. I told him what I had been doing and he said, I’m glad I’m not in your shoes.

I walked over to the trailer, the police car was there and my Mom and Dad. When my mother saw me, she first slapped me than hugged me so tight, I thought she was going to break my back!

My Dad was mad and glad at the same time. I told them why I had left and how Suzie had stopped me. We all cried and hugged and told each other we loved one another.

I know now, I should have told them how I felt first, I would have saved them a lot of heartache.

I believe in my heart that’s why we run from God, we have a breakdown of communication on our part. We get mad and go our own way. The thing is, He is still there waiting for us to return.

Lord bring us to the place of returning to your heart, heal all misunderstandings and hurts. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19th

One night, a few of us went riding in my SS 396. A friend of mine wanted us to see her church.

It had been raining most of the day and the road the church was on, was red dirt. They were going to pave it and the dirt was packed

It was the summer of 73 on a Saturday night. I had my best friend and our best fried girl in my car.

It was dark and Oct31st, talk about scenarios. We drove to the community were the church was, tuned right on the road.

It was still raining and we all thought it would be okay. We had gone about 2 miles when all of a sudden my car bogged down to its axle. I got out in the rain and mud, to try and push the car out. When I stepped out, my feet sank at least two feet, I was shocked. Now the funny part, my best friend got behind the wheel and I behind the car. You know what happened, when he put it in drive, I was instantly covered in mud! To make things worse, I slipped down in the mud and was covered from head to toe!

Live is like the mud, it’s slippery, we must watch our step or we’ll be covered in slim of this world.

Lord, protect us from the things of this world, it’s so slippery and we are sure to fall. If not for your hand, our lives would all go amoke1 Amen!!!!!!!

April 18th

In Proverbs 4:4-9 it talks about guarding your heart, we need to guard it at all times.

When the devil came and tempted Christ. He used Old Testament scriptures to confront him with

It says in Hebrews 4:12 that the word is quick and powerful, sharper than a two edged sword. It is a divider of soul and spirit…. Soul and spirit. And is a discerner of the heart.

Solomon was a wise man but, did you know that in his last days, he built alters to false gods just to please his 700 wives and 300 concubines. He did not guard his heart or heed to the words of God.

Today in our society, we are contently being polled into 50 different directions and it’s so hard to keep our hearts. There is only one way, the word! I have used Psalm 119:11, the word in our heart is so important.

Lord, show us how we can guard our hearts by using your word! Lead us to your people, who can help us!



Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 17th

Full of pizza and watching our grand kids play sleepy town, it don’t get much better than this!

Kids are so trusting, their hearts are so pure. You can tell them anything you want and they’d believe you.

We as adults have a harder time. Our minds have experienced so much. We have bills, family, then if we are blessed, children. We think about so much.

Yet, Jesus said, unless you come as a child you cannot enter . . .

To come to Him as a child is no easy task. I believe it’s a thing of trust, do we really trust Him?

I know individuals that are unreal, they seem to have found the secret and then take myself, I’ve been saved for 40 years and I still have a lot of issues.

I trust Him but, I still have cracks in my armor. Being at deaths door helped me but I want more.

Lord, give us a heart that is so trusting in you. Help us to srug off the worries of this world and walk in perfect trust! Amen!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 16th

As a young man, I was full of zeal. I had no idea of fear. Since my salvation, I had a feeling of protection I’d never known.

My pastor had taught us how to share our faith and I loved telling it

I had a young friend who would go with me on Friday nights. One night we went to a bar/dance hall, my Mom and Dad frequented. It was owned by one of my Dad’s friends

Since my friend was only 13, I had him passing out tracs outside. I went in and as soon as I did, I went to the first table and started preaching.

I had barely started, as a mans’ hand grabbed me by the back of my neck! I was only 4’11, he pushed me in the bathroom. He turned me around and proceeded to slap my face, just to scare me. Then he said, Ricky, if you Dad catches you here; he will tan your backside. He told me very kindly I must go.

For over an hour, we stood on the outside; telling people they need Jesus

I’m in a wheelchair now but, I still have the same zeal! I would and do use more wisdom but I still sense His protection

Lord, bring back into our lives, the feeling of just being saved and lead us to people on a daily basis who need you! Amen!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 14th

In high school, I was privileged to hang around some really good guys, we went to a lot of places together.

The first miracle happened on our way back from a Bible study, about an hour from our houses.

I was riding in the front and there were three of my friends in th1e back seat. Half way home, one of my friends hollered out, I want ya’ll to pray about my in grown toe nail!

I told my friend driving to pull over, he did. We stopped, turned around and we all prayed for his toe. It was swollen and he was in pain

We all had our eyes closed and he screamed! We opened our eyes and the toe was no longer swollen! God honored the prayers of a bunch of kids that had enough gumption and faith to believe and he got healed.

This was before God healed my stomach. My concern is, we have a lack of His healing power in our churches; that tells me we need a more balanced view of faith. If we teach it, people will start to believe. If not, how will they know?

Lord, help us to BELIEVE, we need You to touch so many people! It dose not matter what denomination; we all need You to stur us up! Amen!!!!!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 13th

In my youth, I was privileged to see and do many things; it was mainly because of those that mentored me.

One of the first I can remember, was my Sunday school teacher, he made a lasting impression on me. He was there on Sunday come rain or tornado.

He told us stories from his era and the workings of God. Even when sick, he came to teach

I remember him on his regular job, he was always faithful and true. A real role model. The only thing I regret, is not telling him how much I enjoyed his class.

As I matured, he moved to Jackson. MS. And I never got to see him. When I was in college, I heard he had Parkinson's’ disease but I never went to see him.

We get busy and forget those who matter. Brother Calvin mattered and I got so busy, I let him go without saying good bye!

We need to slow down and pay attention, we need to give honor to whom honor is due!

I’ve missed a few changes to tell people how much of a influence they have had in my life, how about you?

People are not robots, they have feelings and we should recognize that. Tell someone today, how much you appreciate their input into your live, it will make their day!

Lord help us to give you thanks and tell those we love them at the right time tell them thanks for being there to teach us your ways.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11th

Today has been a beautiful day but, I sure was bored. I can’t drive and barely can walk. My wife likes staying home, on her days off.

Working all week, tends to make one want to stay home. As a believer, we tend to stay quiet. We feel inadequate and tired if we worked all week.

We can take the passive roll but, how will they know. I used to love to embarrass my family before the stroke.

You never know who’s watching. One time long ago, my oldest challenged me to embarrass her, we were going to Arby’s for lunch. We went up to the cashier, I started singing a stupid song and my oldest ran off red faced.

Five years later, we went back to the same Arby’s and I went up to the register person; so she could take my order. She smiled and politely said, Are you going to sing. It was the same woman. I stood right there and told her the gospel.

We all get bored, tired and so on but, should our feelings keep us from spreading the Good News?


Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10th

When I was in high school, my best friend and I would meet at the church at five-thirty a.m. for prayer.

It was during this time, I believe that God established me in the faith.

It was not easy getting up, I love to sleep; still do! My friend would call me and make sure I was up or come by. Before long I found myself getting up on my own

The times in the church were sweet, you could cut the Spirit with a knife! It was during those two year, He grounded me and my friend, besides forging a friendship that would never end!

At first, it was hard for me to pray but, it did not take long. It takes practice praying with someone who already knows how to pray. You learn by example and soon you too are praying before you know it.

So I encourage you, if you don’t know how to pray, find someone who does and meet with them and learn to intercede. If you know how to pray, find someone who does not and meet with them and pray; God will bless you both.

It does not matter what time, just be faithful.


Friday, April 9, 2010

April 9th

Within each person, there is a drive. This drive takes people to different heights, one man becomes a CEO, another a doorman. We all have our places.

I know a person who grew up in a modest family and he became a CEO of a large company. I also know a person who came from a rich family, shun riches.

We all have our own destiny but, deep inside us all is a drive that can only be filled by filling it with God! We try and fill the void with relationship, alcohol, drugs and so much more. God created man to fellowship with Him but we, because of sin, have tried to fill it with foreign things.

At an early age, I was taught, by example, that drinking and getting drunk was normal. At age twelve, I had mastered being an alcoholic but, I knew there had to be more, I had a hidden desire but did know how to fulfill it. The night I went to church, I felt His love and knew, my desire had been filled. I was meant to praise Him, however I could. I was meant too and knew He received it. Lord touch our lives to realize we were meant to praise you, because you are our creator.! Amen!!!!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 8th

I’ve been to prayer meetings before and have sensed God deeply but, the last three meetings on Wednesday nights have been different

They seem more targeted and more sincere. I not only sense God, I sense destiny!

We might be a small group but, the prayers I hear are coming from the heart. Deep travails, I know God hear them! Young people praying things way beyond their years. Sometimes, I stop praying to here what’s being prayed, AWESOME!

I look forward to Wednesday nights than I do Sunday morning, I don’want to miss out. I want to be in the midst of what He is doing and saying.

Hearing God, I want to be a listener. To hear His voice, we need our mouths shut and our ears open! Oh God, do a work in us, make our ears so tuned in. We don’t want to miss you, help us stay be the river! Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 7th

Let me share a story about tithing. It really happened to my wife and me.

We lived in Texas and we were in church, but not tithing our money. One week, we had bought $200 of groceries and baby food, we had a four month old baby.

We went on vacation to Mississippi, we were gone nine days. When we got back, the refrigerator had died and all the food and baby milk we had spoiled. The month before, our car had blown an engine. It took all our savings to repair.

Now here we were, broke and no fridge and our car blew a second engine! Before we left, a couple of weeks before, we felt convicted and started tithing

For the first week, we used a cooler and I thumbed a ride to work. That Sunday, I was not going to tithe but, my wife made me! The second week, I had Saturday off. That Friday, a man I did not even know, gave us a refrigerator! That Saturday, a knock came at are door at 6 a.m. There stood my brother and a friend and my brother gave us a truck.

I truly believe, it’s because we started trusting God with our finances. If you are not tithing, I encourage you to stretch your faith and trust Him. Lord make us good stewards of all we have, not just our money.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6th

As I set here this morning, my heart is uplifted and my soul does rejoice. I do not take times like this for granted, because tomorrow it might be different. I acknowledge Him and welcome the sweet presence of the Lord!

I remember before my stroke, I was severely depressed and numb to sensing God. My mind was so far away from His help! I know now, it was a false pride that had built up over time.

How deceived I was, how utterly bewildered! But, His hand reached through all the pride, the deception and deceivement and pulled me out.

Everyday, I am reminded of His undying love and faithfulness. Where are you today, how cold or indifferent have you become? It’s so easy sometimes to take for granted His fragrance, we become desensitized, numb, totally unaware!

If we would stand and do what we know to do, I know sooner or later; He’d break through.

I remember a song, part of it said this . . . the sorrow is only for a time, the morning just around the corner . . . No matter what we face, He is able to carry us, no matter what we face . . .


Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 4th

David is a type of Christ and in Psalm 15:10, it talks about David dieing and going to the grave. He knew God would not leave him there. Christ died on the cross but, His soul went immediately to God. Three days later He arose!

As Christians, we should not fear death, as David ; we should know that victory is ours.

I don’t know about you but, I know that death is not the end. David knew Sheol [grave] was just a stopping place. We too should have enough faith to believe, it’s nothing but a stopping place.

I love Easter, it celebrates Christ's resurrection. He showed th enemy that He had complete victory! If we are in Him, we have victory! Sin no longer has reign over us.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3th

I’ve noticed a pattern, when I get tired like now Satan attacks. My body is tired, my brain exhausted, I never knew making decisions was so taxing.

For a week now, I have not sleep more than 16 hours, my mind has been racing!

Do you ever get that way? It’s almost like you’re walking in a daze! This is a time I need someone to stand for me; because in myself I can’t I’m man enough to say I need help!

The battle is raging and we need each other. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for help; I won’t

I find when I get this way, I slow down and quiet myself. I call on the one who gives strength to the weary, I know were my help comes from.

Lord, sooth the hearts of us who are weary and bring us stength, physical and spiritual! Amen!!!!!!!


Friday, April 2, 2010

April 2nd

Our world is so full of evil, it runs rampant in our cities and towns. In 1979, I felt no cautioning as I picked up a hitchhiker. Now, I would not dare pick one up.

In Psalm 14: 1-3, David speaks of evil of his day. When men walk inwardness, there is a hint of atheism in his life. He rejects the ways of God and thinks he can do it all by himself.

When I was in high school, I was casual friends with a atheist. I remember the talks we used to have. Down right bone chilling. I always let him know that no matter how he believed, It would never change or damage our friendship. He later became a Christian!

Righteousness can prevail, no matter how dark. We must have to persevere and believe! Maybe your in a dark place, let His light shine on your heart and dispel the darkness. In 1 John it says if we walk in the light, we have fellowship; one with another.