Friday, January 28, 2011

Time is like a mist . . . poof, and it’s gone. We get so caught up in our lives, we miss a lot of the good stuff.

I had a job when our girls were growing, that allowed me to spend time with them.

I can recount numerous occasions. Then in later years, I changed jobs and worked many hours. I never got to spent quality time with them.

Before I knew it, they were graduating. Where did time go?

In our lives on this earth, we are preoccupied and distracted, we forget the important sometimes . . . At least I know I did!

Juggling a ministry, a job and family I know I missed some things

Now as I sit in this chair, I have all the time I could possibly want but. My girls are all grown up.

We think we have all the time in the world but, we are fooled, our time slips by and Boom! It’s gone.

It’s like I’ve heard a million times over the years, when asking a non-believer to make a decision to walk in Christ's way, Oh I have plenty of time.

Well friend, time is shorter than you think, make the decision now before time is no more!

One night years ago, I went into a pool hall, when they closed, I had a bunch around me that I was telling the gospel.

There was one boy heavy on my mind, I pleaded with him to come to Christ but, his answer, I have plenty of time. Two days later he committed suicide

We never know what tomorrow will bring, we must be prepared and ready.

Lord of time, help us to make the most of (little) time we have. Amen!!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When I was in college, I had to do a paper on Hitler. He was a charismatic man but, not as smart as people think.

The one thing he was, cruel and sadistic. I would have hated to grow up in that time, how can a whole country be tricked by one man?

I look at the disabled men and woman of today and thank God he lost the war. If I had lived in that part of the world, during that time; I would have been killed.

Imagine, he had killed 6 million Jews. Believe it or not, he was 2nd in line, Stalin put to death 30 million.

Today, we call Hitler and Stalin animals but we in America stand by while babies are killed everyday.

We call ourselves civilized but, we use some of the same methods as Hitler.

We tolerate injustices and scream at genocide but, what about the babies, don’t they deserve an advocate. I’m going to take a stand and call all those evolved murderers, that’s what we would have called them in the 40’s.

If you are pregnant, think hard before you choose to abort, you could be caring the next Einstein or Elvis

Lord, we are a sorry state of humanity that needs your help. Draw a line and help us make the decision, whom we will serve. Amen!!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Last July, we all went in together and bought a larger house, the reason, to put 4 disabled people under one roof.

My Mother-in-law, sister-in-law and myself are in wheelchairs, our nephew is autistic.

Since living together, I have thought a lot on being handicapped and what it means. A lot of people who are physically challenged, are perhaps more of an over comer than physically whole people.

Let me explain, there are so many people who never deal with the real issues; they sweep them under the rug. It’s never dealt with, they are emotionally stunted.

While on the other hand, a physically challenged person has to deal in reality every day. Most of them deal with their disabilities everyday and have learned to handle them. On the other hand, so many people in life who are not disabled physically are dysfunctional.

We all have our problems, normal or challenged. We must each learn to overcome whatever it is. The first thing we must admit, is that we in ourselves are helpless and the only way we can overcome, is letting Jesus bear our burdens.

One of the hardest things I had to do, was to let Him have my life. You see, a thing called pride gets in our way or at least in me.

There are times today, I still have to swallow my pride and throw up my hands and say, it’s Yours Lord!

Jesus You know our hearts and You see our needs, help us to rely on you each and everyday. Amen!!


Monday, January 24, 2011

Remember Paul, he had a thorn in his side, I believe it was to keep him humble.

We all have something inside that if we’re not careful, will harm us spiritually.

In my live, I have seen good men and women of God turn from the gospel. I have seen men and women taken in early life and have wondered why!

Babies never knowing life, taken by death. I myself sometimes wonder why me and to all these questions I have an answer.

For those who backslide, only God knows their hearts, not me. My goal is to persevere. We must keep our eyes on Jesus, not on anyone else

As for those who die early, each person has an amount of days he or she must live. Our days on this earth are numbered.

The problem is we look at the situation not thinking of eternity. Our eyes should be expecting Him but, we find ourselves stuck here in the temporal.

The Bible tells us to fix our eyes on the heavens but we are so busy, we forget

A real person of God falls, a child taken, a stroke, these things are a work of decades of sin in this world.

Adam and Eve were meant to be eternal, so were we. We are all dying as soon as we are born, why; SIN!!!

The key is so simple for this life on earth, keep your eyes on HIM!!!

Lord our eyes are wonders, we need Your Holy Sirit to empower us to keep our eyes stayed on You. Amen.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It’s funny, here in Central Ms. It hardly ever snows. We get all excited, even at the mention that it might.

My thoughts this morning are goning to be rough. I hope you can digest them.

The anticipation of snow is kinda the anticipation the early church had about Christ’s return. Over the centuries, we have allowed that anticipation to dwindle. We no longer have that longing in our hearts

We are like the servants who waited on their master to return, they got so tired of waiting, they did what they wanted

It’s been over 2000 years and I believe the church has become as the woeful servants.

Even in my lifetime, I have seen the reduction of the atar call. How can a person in church come to know Christ if he’s not asked or how can a Saint who’s in need of prayer find it

I’m not saying all churches are like this but, Iam saying there’s an awful lot.

We have made the church to appear like the world but, we are to be set apart. I remember once I walked into a store to ask direction, they asked, are you a preacher and I asked; why do you ask. They said there was a difference they could see. Today, that difference seems smaller and smaller

For the carnal man to want to change, he must see the purity of Christ in us or why change!

I challenge you to live as a royal priesthood, a Holy Nation. A dying world out there needs to see Jesus, in all His Holiness and Purity

Lord, bring us to the place that we once lived and for those who’ve never been, light a fire that can only be quenched by you. Amen!!!