Tuesday, February 21, 2012

His Rest

I have been taking a Sabbatical and today, I feel that it’s over. In the last few months, I have been resting in the arms of God

In Hebrews chapter 4, it talks about the rest in God. The children of Israel could have entered in but, they sinned and never did.

In Hebrews 4:8, it tell that Joshua did mot lead them to that rest. It was still to come.

When we rest, we stop all we are doing and give all the battles in our mind to Him To rest in Him is beyond words, you are refreshed and given new strength beyond measure.

First we must learn to abide, that is the key to entering His rest. I learned when I was on my death bed, that as a creature we have no real power. In that time in ICU, I learned to give it all to Him.

I’m not saying you must be on your death bed, I hope you’re no as stubborn as me. But, we need to learn how to give all our problems and worries to Him, before we can enter His rest.

The way I enter His rest, is set down and play worship music at at low volume and just relax and think on Him. Now this might not work for you, you might not like music.

You must find your own way of entering and just allow His Holy Spirit to soak you in His presence.

Lord, help us to enter Your sacred rest. Sometimes we need to recharge our batterry sort of. Our stength is small but, Yours never ends.