Monday, July 19, 2010


Interpretation of dreams have been around since Joseph.

When we moved back home, my wife will tell you I dreamed every night. Were all the dreams from God or too much pizza!

I had a method I used, to decide if they were from God or not. If I dreamed a dream and vividly remembered it in three days, I would try and get in touch with the person and relate the dream.

I could set here all night and tell you true stories but, lack of time and space but I will tell one.

I have a friend who lives in Dallas, she was married to another friend.

In my dream, he was on drugs and being unfaithful. I called and was going to tell her the dream. Before I told her, she burst into tears and told me what he was doing,

It was just like my dream, he was being unfaithful

Nine out of ten times, my dreams came true; some good, some not so good

LAST Tuesday I had a dream, a friend I have not seen since 1976; was in the dream. Another friend and I were laying hands on him and praying.

Last Friday I called my friend, who now lives in South Dakota; after I told him, he told me he is coming to Mississippi Monday.

Talk about coincidences will get to see him Tuesday. The other friend is in China.

So if you dream, don’t dismiss it as to much pizza!

Lord help us to hear from you, let us not take things so lightly. Amen!!!!!


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