Saturday, July 24, 2010

His Word!

I remember a skit someone did a long time ago.

It was about a world without a Bible, the only Bible you had was what you had memorized. Imagine, no written word.

Tonight, I saw a movie and there was only one Bible left, in the whole world.

This one man would do anything, to get his hands on it, even murder. I told my wife, take all the blood and cussing out ; Hollywood made a good Christian movie.

But, both the skit and the movie are true. If the world continues on the path she is on, what you have memorized could be the only Bible you have.

We here in America have really polluted the Word with our Western ways. We have translation after translation.

I believe, the more translations we have, the further away we get. But, that leads to the question, which one do I memorize? My answer is the earlier the translation the better.

I personally memorized th King James version, only because I find it flows poetically. The bottom line is get God’s Word in your heart, because one day the only Word left may be you!

Lord, lead us to your Word that we can hid in our hearts! Amen.


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