Monday, July 26, 2010


I Remember being young and thinking you were indestructible. It’s not we went around thinking that, we just did some stupid things, even when we were saved.

I remember one time, I owned a Pontiac Satellite. It was metallic green, had wide tires for racing and was jacked up in the back. It was so high, that the front had a good view of the road up front.

Remember, I was a Christian. One night, I picked up my cousin and we drove into the country to see our girlfriends.

On the way over, my cousin was picking on me saying things like, this thing won’t even burn rubber taking off.

I held out, all the way to their house. On the way back, I had taken all the verbal abuse that I could stand. I gave it gas and boy did it go. He cried, it still won’t burn rubber. I had taken all I could take.

I starting slowing down and out of nowhere, I hit a cow and my coke and glasses went flying. I don’t even remember what my cousin did. Finally as we came to our senses, we got out and looked at the cow.

We thought we had killed it. Of course, no one in the community claimed the cow.

Then all of a sudden after it had been 20 minutes, the cow jumped up and ran off.

Thank God it was alright. The car was okay also, it only busted out the passenger side headlight and bent the bumper.

The reason I’m sharing this, I know people do dumb thing from time to time; at least I do and I want them to know God is there.

I could write you a list on what not to do but, all in all; He was there for me.

That does not give us the right to do such things but, if we do it’s good to know.

Lord, thank You for protecting us in our ignorance no matter what age. Amen!!!


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