Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Doom and Dismay

What we are hearing today is not something new, David Wilkerson has been saying things for years

It was 1985, we were at our first church. The title of my sermon was “Upcoming Financial Disaster”.

I knew then if the politicians of our day did not change their greedy ways, it would be the ruin of live as we knew it.

Today, the crisis we face can not be blamed on one party; it took both unwilling to do the right thing.

I’m no prophet or Apostle but, I know right now the only way we can avert this oncoming financial gloom, the church as a whole must fast and pray.

Our whole country is in turmoil and man does not have the answers, Obama doesn’t and I know who does.

The answer is found in Him, church! Wake up and be relevant in the world of today, the time for setting in the front seat is now!

Lord! Wake up the sleeping church and bring us to the realization as a whole, we need to seek you and you alone. Amen!!!!!


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