We pastured rural churches in Mississippi, that was by choice. I have been to hundreds of rural churches as a visitor and I’m here to tell you, if not for the women; the churches would have closed
We pastured a church, if it had not been for one woman; the church would have died.
What is the problem? It’s that men are not answering their God given role, of being the head of the house.
I went to a conference last weekend and the following statistic blew me away. Let’s say in a household of four, a son or daughter get saved. The average who get saved is 6%
If a mother get’s saved, 16% of a household get saved. If a Dad get’s saved, a whopping 95% get saved. Why is that, it’s because he is following the order God ordained!
This conference I went to, twelve men from our church went; I could not have gone with a better bunch. We came back changed, the real secret we found was loving Him first in all things.
You see, if we truly seek Him first; all things will fall into place.
A new Christian went with us, a relative new Father, I believe only five years, he and I wrote on face book and he is on fire to see his family move in the right direction.
The key to a solid church, is have men who truly lov God in order and the homes will be in order and the church also.
It starts in the home people!
Lord WAKE up the men of our nation to their rightful place in your Kingdom. Amen!!!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
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