Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 13th

In my youth, I was privileged to see and do many things; it was mainly because of those that mentored me.

One of the first I can remember, was my Sunday school teacher, he made a lasting impression on me. He was there on Sunday come rain or tornado.

He told us stories from his era and the workings of God. Even when sick, he came to teach

I remember him on his regular job, he was always faithful and true. A real role model. The only thing I regret, is not telling him how much I enjoyed his class.

As I matured, he moved to Jackson. MS. And I never got to see him. When I was in college, I heard he had Parkinson's’ disease but I never went to see him.

We get busy and forget those who matter. Brother Calvin mattered and I got so busy, I let him go without saying good bye!

We need to slow down and pay attention, we need to give honor to whom honor is due!

I’ve missed a few changes to tell people how much of a influence they have had in my life, how about you?

People are not robots, they have feelings and we should recognize that. Tell someone today, how much you appreciate their input into your live, it will make their day!

Lord help us to give you thanks and tell those we love them at the right time tell them thanks for being there to teach us your ways.


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