Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 21st

In Psalm 4:8, David gives thanks to God for his safety during sleep. How many times do we go to sleep and wake up. We never give thanks for the little things.

When I was in the hospital, it had been three weeks. I had an itch that was driving me crazy, no one except me was in the room. I could barely lift my hand. I bet I tried for an hour, trying to scratch my nose. Finally I just gave up. A couple weeks later, the same situation. I had been in therapy, I now lifted my arms a little bit higher
I tried for an hour at least but this time, I was able to scratch my nose! When my wife came back from work, you’d have thought I had won a gold metal. I was so proud of myself!

I have been at a place, where the little things matter. I never take them for granted. I cherish what the Lord has allowed me to do and I thank Him for it! We must be like Christ and cherish the little things. He took nothing for granted, He knew He could have called at anytime to His Father to deliver Him. But, He knew He had to walk a certain path!

Let us not take for granted the things we have, no matter how much or how little; let’s cherish them Lord, we need to be more thankful!

Forgive us for overlooking Your blessings all around us.



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